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Sunday, December 6, 2009


Hi everyone this is where i try my new templates and see how they look like ?

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Here you would find tutorials about Photoshop, Web Templates , Blogging etc...
this blog is part of the Aryan team which has 50+ working blogs ..currently.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I love movies ...i watch them all the time ...who wouldnt like movies...i have recently created this blog 'Dmovieplanet' for you all ,the blog contains movie links sourced from third party websites and categorized into language wise.

the link to the above mentioned blog :


Office ...the word seems fun for some or monster for some...i have created a blog for people who hate office and want to make their work more simpler and not tiring.the blog is named 'Monster-office'.i would be posting articles on how you could make your work seem more fun then hectic,simples tips on organising your work and utilising your free boring time for something useful like free gifts,free money,free games,etc...

the link to the above mentioned blog :


Hi ...i have created this blog for people who wanted to learn online ,offline or distance based or in is entirely based on 'Education'I would be providing you all with the information related to colleges or courses which you might be intrested to join or want to know about oppurtunities if you want to do that course...

D link to the above mentioned blog :

Money tips

Who wouldnt want money....i would certainly want to...That's the reason i have created this new blog on how to 'earn money' well here we would be giving you tipls on how to earn money online and also offline.You would come across idea's which you might have known but never implemented due to lack of producing those ideas or something new every day or every week.

d link to the above mentioned blog :


I Have recently created a blog on visa's ,it is called 'WhAt-ViSa'

Hre you get to know what are the types of Visa's required and what are the documents required to apply for that particular country .whether they meet the requirements to apply for a particular visa ie. for example like Work visa ,Student visa ,Visit visa etc...
here we would be discussing about all the information required for you to know on applying for the dream come true...
So log on to :

we would be updating you on all the visa's pretty soon....